Nick and Sarah need some winter sun… Day 4:
Disaster Count: zero…
Day three’s a cycling day so the disaster count is back by popular demand…
Luckily the counter reads zero ?
We’d arranged to pick bikes up from a nice German guy in town at 9:30. This meant another early start, but not as early as the saddos who’d already secured their favorite sun loungers by the pool.
The thought of spending the day basting in the sun, inches from others by a noisy child infested pool fills me with horror ! …and on the child front – it’s no where near half term shouldn’t they all be in school ? Think I’m gonna complain…
Anyway after breakfast we escaped the pool area and set off to pick up the bikes from the smaller branch of Renner bikes that was close to our hotel. The guy at Renner bikes, we’ll call him Manuel, spoke little English but quickly sorted us with two Merida road bikes. After a quick cycle to the main shop for paperwork etc. we were on our way…

As you can see it was already scortchio….
The route we’d planned with help from the cycle guy was to head down the coast to Teguise and then come back via an inland route.
Well as the famous commentator once said – it was a game of two halves…
The first half, down the coast, was busy tourist sprawl with only the odd castle splitting it up.

The half way point was a cafe stop by the sea. Beautiful view but eclipsed by the row (in spanish) that occurred when our food order arrived wrong. The shouting was aimed at a young waitress who seemed to get a few orders wrong. In our case im not sure if it was her fault or my pigeon Spanish !
From there it was open country – beautiful in its volcanic barrenness and with no natural trees to be seen.

Note to self – stay away from the tourist areas… anyway our route was:

Another diving day tomorrow so early to bed… Hope it’s not raining too hard back in Blighty….