Day 6: Top of Shetland and back down to Brae…
- Today’s mileage: 57 miles
- Total mileage: 207.65 miles
- Desasters: 0
The day started by being kept awake by a group of chav scum Glaswegians partying in the adjacent youth hostel till the early hours… Grrrr ?
Baldrick has a cunning plan – a new plan…
After the rowdy night we hatched a new plan which involved not staying another night next to the Glaswegians. The new plan was to cycle without baggage to the top of Shetland to finish the NC1. Then cycle back (via campsite) and onto Brae with our baggage. This will be approximately 50 miles – another big day when carrying 20kg of kit.
Instead of booking camping we went for the 4* Brae hotel. With a weather front coming in it would give us a little luxury and an opportunity to wash some clothes.
On the road north…
We passed an honisty bus stop shop. After the chav scum weegies this again restored my faith in human nature ?

Then we came across a mockup of a viking long house & ship. No time to look round as were were on a big day again.

Saxavord space centre surprised me. Can’t see how they’ll launch from Shetland – its just too windy. Have they never tried to launch fire work rockets in a strong wind – doh… Anyway they do have a web site if you’re interested.
After many hills we finally reached it – the end of the NC1…

The road really did stop – we could go no further north. So we turned round and set off for Brae via the camp site.
Our route took us past Sullom Voe oil terminal. This almost looked deserted apart from one flare stack burning.

A long descent bought us into Brae to our 4* hotel – The Brae Hotel. We were greeted by a girl who had lived in Cockers until her partner got a job here. The hotel appeared clean but basic. She said the hotel was “quite busy” at the moment.
The first thing we noticed was our room key 226 also opened room 224 – a little worrying !
Then we noticed this…

We went down for dinner and were served by the receptionist who appears to do everything! In fact apart from the chef she was the only staff on in this ” busy” hotel.
Anyway we’re both knackered so time for bed… ?